Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

Listening to Mozart met Thales with Yuja Wang

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

A wanderer is really tired, usually when he arrived at the top of a hill to stop briefly, and then he looked into the valley below. He saw the whole beautiful view of various kinds, just as he made the journey. This is symbolic depiction of the meaning of Mozart in music. It is the beautiful valley. Located on the outskirts of the history and evolution of music, doesn’t meant to be like Wagner intent. Doesn’t look for a new form, but what already existed brought to the top of maturity. If we only have Mozart, the music will have so many aspects like now. All we have found in it have almost the same, perhaps, except its interest to the nature. The whole satisfactory into Mozart: the spirit, heart, feelings, memories. Other miracles can pour it all into the perfect form, which always holds the contents. Laugh cheerily, most pitiful tears to the sight, fully culminated sorrow and joy, it also expressed into a difficult sonnet form.
No one musical poet knows the bitterness; as if he didn’t create the music of joy. Almost for all his music, Mozart ends it cheerfully. He is quick to forget … … While in his life times the happy time less than enough, but the sorrow tones is almost not performed in his music. With Mozart, we are dealing with thorny issues: separation between ordinary human with composer. That is complicated question that can not be comprehended. If it could be solved, we might be understand Mozart’s rarity, and we could know the secret of his art (J. Van Ackere, books of “Musik Abadi” (Eternal Music), translated by J. A. Dungga, Gunung Agung Djakarta, n.d., the original book entitles “Eeuwige Muziek”, published by NV Standaard-Boekhandel, Antwerpen, Belgie)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (January 27, 1756 – December 5, 1791), is an influential productive composer of the Classical era.

He has created more than 600 works, many of it recognized as the pinnacle of symphonic, concertante, room, piano, opera and choral music. He is the most enduringly popular of classical composers.

Here, I drew his music’s characteristic just as much as a line of reflection of his life, accompanied by piano played by Yuja Wang when she was young.

It was really far from his fate’s depiction that had ever been a court musician in Salzburg. Because of restless, he was wandering to find his soul’s best position, he wrote with diligence till it is abundant.

He visited Vienna at 1781, where he attained the top of fame, but little money.

He left his beloved wife Constanze also his two sons. Mozart was forced to sacrifice everything, probably for the sake of getting peace of playing music in his soul.

When he was working out a sense of bitterness, his music seemed as solace, which is more inflamed into the soul.

His heart was sailed by fantasy to compensate for a painful forging of the wanderer, hung to meet merriment.

As if the God breathes the mild spirit into the fontanel that is whipped by misfortune, since the sincerity has the mature high-minded.

No bumps though pinch twit in the music, its melody is running as nimble as the legs of children blessed childhood.

Mozart was delighted to learn to all, developed his talents through various styles, to earn the grace of the spirit of enchantment.

Like wines are mature on the quest of sunlight, from the begging in the alleys of the city; his will was determined to share a smile.

Even Beethoven wrote his own early compositions in the shadow of Mozart, he is a true artist who could inflame the heart, to the one deepens his character.

What he built is the necessity of life, the forging of space-time, and the dust in the corner of the city of Vienna; through the river he obtained the shadow of himself, smiling to blossom souls.

His senses were so bright to shine the brilliant, as bright as the stars on the night sky.

With a piece of paper to convince his personality filled with blessings of obedience of the fate carried, engenders melodious tones filling every era. Mozart smiled in silence.

The challenge of tired life is starving, headache, fevering and head pain, and any other underprivileged.

He apprehended it up to oddly delights; only certain people could compensate the underprivileged, without any stops into the defensiveness.

He pushed all for the beauty of music that he strived to be eternal, to the bottom essence.

To look for what the time wished for his greatest destiny; how sweet the space of bitterness is.

The Mozart’s soul is tough like the stones on the river, the clear water appears the beauty. Patience leads to the whole view of the various problems.

Incarnates to be the hum of the politeness of joy, from the fortitude is processed repeatedly for the sake of the perfect of soul to get the mature character.

He carried the Harmonious of history in the streets to wade across the periods, to be more complete and then repeated.

Behind his diligent of exercise; played music, created poetry, is the result of maturing the matter of life.

The artist risks the whole soul-body to perform the advancement; the paths are passed as the realization of life’s devotion.

Reaches what spread around by the smell of flowers, the color of leaves in the dark of night, the light of day, the wind anesthetized the eyes.

Inattentiveness, rash, culminates in turmoil crater reddening in the body of invulnerability;

footbridge crossing shows the success of learning, also studying seriously about the self- nature.

And Yuja Wang has trained patience since she was childhood; her cute personality is not yet fully realizing the magic messages hummed by Mozart.

The music she played gives a lot of teaching without patronizing, as such is work of a true artist’s success.

Giving advice doesn’t have to touch personal reasoning, but attacking the thinking harmoniously and anesthetized.

What happened, the memories arose up by itself, drifted into the bottom of daydreaming when is stretching the meaningful.

The heart did not want to walk away, because it was showered by ocean waves about the consciousness of the untold foam of graces.

It is also not complacent, because the inland plateau receives with shiny faces; its fields are processed for shared prosperity.

Thus like the depiction idea of the philosopher Thales (624-545 BC), on the beauty of spreading for the festive of the lights of humanity.

From limitations, Mozart has broad minded, his comfort is reflected in his flexibility in playing music.

His sonnets are gentle as soft as the splattering waves onto the feet at night walkers, the body of the feeling of coast is stretching on hold.

The listeners are attacked by thirsty, the souls crave on dance, to fulfill human spiritual.

Prettiest joy, melancholy of women and events of well-being; his musings are clean toward the nature of love.

How subtle seduction does not seen, but the souls are chanted in the song of holiness.

The miracle of the bitter fate blesses in every curve means the life.

Flying dust, flashed by the light just as the stars and the holy morning sprinkle hope.

All are raised with the pull of the body of energy, a shiny feelings soared into the sky.

Flied by the wind on desert of full moon; instinctive manifests upon the breaths sing the songs of prosperity.

When he started the music of sadness, the pain of heart doesn’t kill the spirit of feeling.

There was a touch of magic reflected, determines the strength of regret for the sake of taking the way back carefully.

Returns the clink of birth, the holiness toning down the view of the inner of maturity, tears are spilled out in abundance.

Dropped dew mature leaves, for the sake of knowing the truth.

Counts the beauty tones, slowly and surely steps on the pervasive of the levels of life’s cruel that sometimes does not know communality.

Mozart leads his heart to settle the pain to transform the salt of knowledge. To sincerely comprehend his heart’s softness, we must sit in state in the whole colors of future.

It is the lesson of the distance and the time, living this life with contemplation from each bending of events.

Seduced by compliance, resignation of resilient artist is for the sake of the beauty for human kind, by His bounty.

The harmonious of rhythm coupled with the changes, from pouring of natural affection to the life.

The teaching is never gone up, doesn’t demolished by the repeatedly bitterness, by the persistence expects the harmony.

It was pleasant bitterness in the future, narrated lasting memory. To whatever natural it keeps melodiously reverb.

Maturely studied the world of between, transformed the strains into each ear, tasted the longing of worship.

That is the musical poet of Mozart lives among us, who came to entertain the uncertain anxiety.

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