Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky (June 17, 1882 – April 6, 1971), is Russian composer. He became famous in magazine “TIME”, he has a hobby of varying tones, when he is exploiting the element of rhythm. This time I was accompanied by pianist Yuja Wang via You Tube in her musical playing “Petrouchka”. Or “Petrushka”, a ballet with music by the composer Igor Stravinsky. Petrushka is the story of a traditional Russian doll made of straw, with a bag of sawdust as a body, but it comes to life to develop emotions. Superficially story resembles a Pinocchio story, but there may be many similarities with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. According to Andrew Wachtel: Petrushka is a masterpiece combining music, ballet, choreography and history in a perfect balance. This is similar to Richard Wagner’s Gesamtkunstwerk, the Russian approach. (Concocted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrushka_% 28ballet% 29)

Petrushka music solely is music; it was in front of musical poet and not in his heart. It doesn’t engender thinking as well as depictions, it is purely objective, it is not commented by libretto, on the contrary libretto gave comment.
A strange personality. Undeniable it is the greatest art of music at this era. Stravinsky was far away from romanticism and impressionism. For Stravinsky the music is free energy, as a matter of mathematical or logical thinking, gravity or wind. It is separated from the human—not-subjectivism—apart from the world, not a depiction. It doesn’t analyze the psyche, does not depict objects, but merely provides the sound. The art of Stravinsky doesn’t show the evolution. Each of Stravinsky’s creation is always new, unlike the previous. Each composition can be viewed on its own. (J. Van Ackere, books of “Musik Abadi” (Eternal Music), translated by J. A. Dungga, Gunung Agung Djakarta, n.d, the original book entitles “Eeuwige Muziek”, published by NV Standaard-Boekhandel, Antwerpen, Belgie)

Stravinsky’s music fully invited to think of human intelligence. It doesn’t perform a cluster of the heart of longing, there is a peculiarity of life.

For him, the future can be thoughtful by out of the heart. No dreams, all are the dynamic brain.

Breaths of logic, the acceleration of the softness of certain law, the composition of stars in their places.

But with a certain distance the depiction t can be captured, though dry. All brushwork of tones were calculated, it appears to give cavity of breath, even though looks awkward.

When the music has been fused in the memory of listeners, enchantment would be exist. Amazement to check the content of work, received too beautiful for dynamic personal.

Life increased, graphics requires precision, for the sake sphere arrangement used with seriousness of life.

Surely it has no the heart seduction, except reflected from the mind. Expectations from hard and fully carefulness dreaming to be the basis as such sketch of the focused building.

No more than estimation mathematically, the space was filled with repeated researching, examinations rule out the feeling, just left balance of thinking.

The strength derived from logical entity, the playing published another beauty, a music that keeps human.

When Stravinsky presented his music by taken Petrushka story, it was really alive.

Collaborators was mutually reinforcing existing values, from the folk tale, philosophical character, it is also the natural elegance.

Thus, what seemed so dry still have the breath of memories, as well as the awkward enhances the meditation.

Moreover, it is assisted by a ballet dance which was danced by the women too. Hence, history of supporting the music has the most beautiful breath.

As if the shimmering of high-rises, sky-bridges connecting the islands, or the grandest statue in the middle of town.

There was some that be blown from him, though it did not depart from the line of emotional.

In Stravinsky is reflected the character of formula searcher, he often found it from his research into dead-end spheres.

His parts of finding are compacted such as mathematicians seek a new theory, to be more easily understood than the previous composition.

He is not a musical poet who follows the instinct of wind and the change the heart, he is not a traveler of felt body, then expressed in the form of work.

But, he explored the sounds in a laboratory of reasonable tones. Side of students who obeyed to the rules without forget to suspect the results of working.

Here’s the secret, why every his creation was always new, different with achievements in advance.

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A. Syauqi Sumbawi A.C. Andre Tanama Aang Fatihul Islam Abdul Aziz Rasjid Abdul Hadi W. M. Adam Roberts Adelbert von Chamisso Adreas Anggit W. Aguk Irawan MN Agus B. Harianto Agus R. Sarjono Ahmad Farid Yahya Ahmad Yulden Erwin Akhmad Sahal Akhmad Sekhu Albert Camus Albrecht Goes Alexander Pushkin Alit S. Rini Amien Kamil Amy Lowell Andra Nur Oktaviani André Chénier Andy Warhol Angela Angela Dewi Angrok Anindita S. Thayf Anton Bruckner Anton Kurnia Anwar Holid Arif Saifudin Yudistira Arthur Rimbaud Arti Bumi Intaran AS Laksana Asep Sambodja Awalludin GD Mualif Axel Grube Bambang Kariyawan Ys Basoeki Abdullah Beethoven Ben Okri Bernando J. Sujibto Berthold Damshäuser Berto Tukan BI Purwantari Birgit Lattenkamp Blaise Cendrars Book Cover Brunel University London Budi Darma Buku Kritik Sastra C.C. Berg Candra Kurnia Cecep Syamsul Hari Chairil Anwar Chamim Kohari Charles Baudelaire Claude Debussy Cristina Lambert D. Zawawi Imron Damhuri Muhammad Dana Gioia Daniel Paranamesa Dante Alighieri Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) Dareen Tatour Darju Prasetya Darwin Dea Anugrah Denny Mizhar Diponegoro Djoko Pitono Djoko Saryono Dwi Cipta Dwi Kartika Rahayu Dwi Pranoto Edgar Allan Poe Eka Budianta Eka Kurniawan Emha Ainun Nadjib Emily Dickinson Enda Menzies Endorsement Ernest Hemingway Erwin Setia Essay Evan Ys Fahmi Faqih Fatah Anshori Fazabinal Alim Feby Indirani François Villon François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) Frankfurt Book Fair 2015 Franz Kafka Franz Schubert Franz Wisner Frederick Delius Friedrich Nietzsche Friedrich Schiller Fritz Senn FX Rudy Gunawan G. J. Resink Gabriel García Márquez Gabriela Mistral Gerson Poyk Goenawan Mohamad Goethe Hamid Dabashi Hardi Hamzah Hasan Junus Hazrat Inayat Khan Henri de Régnier Henry Lawson Hera Khaerani Hermann Hesse Ibnu Rusydi Ibnu Wahyudi Ignas Kleden Igor Stravinsky Imam Nawawi Indra Tjahyadi Inspiring Writer Interview Iskandar Noe Jakob Sumardjo Jalaluddin Rumi James Joyce Jean-Paul Sartre Jiero Cafe Johann Sebastian Bach Johannes Brahms John H. McGlynn John Keats José de Espronceda Jostein Gaarder Kamran Dikarma Katrin Bandel Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) Koesoema Affandi Koh Young Hun Komunitas Deo Gratias Komunitas Penulis Katolik Deo Gratias Koskow Kulya in the Niche of Philosophjy Laksmi Pamuntjak Laksmi Shitaresmi Lathifa Akmaliyah Laurencius Simanjuntak Leila S Chudori Leo Tolstoy Lontar Foundation Lorca Lord Byron Ludwig Tieck Luís Vaz de Camões Lutfi Mardiansyah Luthfi Assyaukanie M. Yoesoef M.S. Arifin Mahmoud Darwish Mahmud Ali Jauhari Mahmudi Maman S. Mahayana Marco Polo Martin Aleida Mathori A Elwa Max Dauthendey Membongkar Mitos Kesusastraan Indonesia Michael Kumpfmüller Michelangelo Milan Djordjevic Minamoto Yorimasa Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky Mozart Mpu Gandring Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Muhibbuddin Muhammad Yasir Mulla Shadra Nenden Lilis A Nikmah Sarjono Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov Nirwan Ahmad Arsuka Nirwan Dewanto Nizar Qabbani Noor H. Dee Notes Novel Pekik Nunung Deni Puspitasari Nurel Javissyarqi Octavio Paz Orasi Budaya Orhan Pamuk Pablo Neruda Panos Ioannides Patricia Pawestri Paul Valéry Paul van Ostaijen PDS H.B. Jassin Penerbit SastraSewu Percy Bysshe Shelley Pierre de Ronsard Poems Poetry Pramoedya Ananta Toer Pustaka Ilalang PUstaka puJAngga Putu Setia Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky R. Ng. Ronggowarsito (1802-1873) Rabindranath Tagore Radhar Panca Dahana Rainer Maria Rilke Rakai Lukman Rama Dira J Rambuana Read Ravel Rengga AP Resensi reviewer RF. Dhonna Richard Strauss Richard Wagner Ridha al Qadri Robert Desnos Robert Marcuse Ronny Agustinus Rosalía de Castro Ruth Martin S. Gunawan Sabine Müller Samsul Anam Santa Teresa Sapardi Djoko Damono Sara Teasdale Sasti Gotama Saut Situmorang Schreibinsel Self Portrait Nurel Javissyarqi by Wawan Pinhole Seno Joko Suyono Sergi Sutanto Shiny.ane el’poesya Sholihul Huda Short Story Sigit Susanto Sihar Ramses Simatupang Siwi Dwi Saputro Soeprijadi Tomodihardjo Sofyan RH. Zaid Solo Exhibition Rengga AP Sony Prasetyotomo Sri Wintala Achmad Stefan Zweig Stefanus P. Elu Subagio Sastrowardoyo Sunlie Thomas Alexander Sunu Wasono Suryanto Sastroatmodjo Sutardji Calzoum Bachri Sutejo Syahruddin El-Fikri T.S. Eliot Taufik Ikram Jamil Taufiq Ismail Taufiq Wr. Hidayat Tengsoe Tjahjono Thales The World Readers Award Tito Sianipar Tiya Hapitiawati To Take Delight Toeti Heraty Tunggul Ametung Ulysses Umar Junus Unknown Poet From Yugoslavia Usman Arrumy Utami Widowati Vladimir Nabokov W.S. Rendra Walter Savage Landor (1775-1864) Watercolour Paint Wawan Eko Yulianto Wawan Pinhole Welly Kuswanto Wildani Hefni William Blake William Butler Yeats Wizna Hidayati Umam World Letters X.J. Kennedy Yasraf Amir Piliang Yasunari Kawabata Yogas Ardiansyah Yona Primadesi Yuja Wang Yukio Mishima Z. Afif Zadie Smith Zeynita Gibbons